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Tools Help Farmers Estimate American Relief Plan Assistance

By Julie Harker

University of Missouri specialists have developed online tools to help farmers estimate their potential payments from the American Relief Act, which was passed by Congress late last year.

“Economic assistance payments to Missouri crop producers are expected to provide significant liquidity to the local farm sector,” said Alejandro Plastina, director of the MU Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center (RaFF).

The American Relief Act of 2025, which extended the existing farm bill by one year, contains $10 billion in economic assistance for farmers. The assistance is intended to partially offset economic losses producers are facing due to declining crop prices and high production costs. It is separate from the amount allocated in the same legislation for losses from natural disasters.

Eligible commodities include corn, soybean, wheat, grain sorghum, barley, oats, rice, cotton and peanuts, but not graded and nongraded wool, mohair and honey.

RaFF and the MU Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute have produced two spreadsheet calculators that estimate per-acre payments to farmers as well as the total by crop and farm:

For single farms –

For multiple farms –

Maps of economic assistance by county and crops for all states in the continental U.S. are at

Finally, the centers also have put together information on payments for Missouri crop producers by county and crop at

“According to the latest Farm Income Outlook from RaFF, these payments will inject the equivalent of 6% of the projected crop cash receipts for 2025 and 14% of the projected net farm income from all farm-related activities for the same year,” said Plastina. “However, the geographical distribution of payments will vary substantially across counties, and it is important that crop producers evaluate their own projected payments to plan their cash flow needs accordingly.”

RaFF is collaborating with other land-grant universities, including Kansas State University, Iowa State University, University of Nebraska, University of Arkansas and Auburn University, to produce state-specific reports like the one published for Missouri. For example, Kansas State University’s report is available at

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