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Top 10 Reasons You Should Attend The 2015 Nutrient Management Update And Plot Tour

By George Silva, Michigan State University Extension
Improved nutrient management practices designed to enhance profitability and environmental stewardship will be featured at the plot tour on Sept. 9, 2015, at MSU.
All farmers and industry service providers are invited to attend Michigan State University Extension’s Nutrient Management Update and Plot Tour, Sept. 9, 2015, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the MSU Plant Pathology Research Farm, 3735 North College Road, Lansing, MI 48910. Attendees will learn improved nutrient management practices that are designed to enhance profitability and environmental stewardship.
Below are the top 10 reasons why farmers, crop consultants, educators, researchers, federal and state officials, MAEAP professionals, advocacy groups and policy makers should attend this year’s Nutrient Management Update and Plot Tour.
1. State-of the art nutrient management and soil fertility research
The topics presented at this event will have direct economic and environmental impacts on the farm. We will be focusing on the following themes and practices with the goal of finding the right solution to your situation.
2. Extending your nitrogen (N) fertilizer benefits
With excess rainfall this year, the question everyone is asking is, “Have I lost most of my nitrogen fertilizer applied to corn?” MSU Extension specialist Kurt Steinke and researcher Jeff Rutan will discuss how and when to use N inhibitors and what you can expect in return for this investment. This discussion will include a lively question-and-answer session
3. Was this the year for fertilizer pop-ups?
Farmers interested in 4R stewardship (right source, right rate, right placement, right timing) are hearing more and more about different options for fertilizer timing and placement. Do you need both pop-up and starter fertilizer? MSU researcher Andy Chomas will do a hands-on field demonstration on fertilizer placement options at planting.
4. What can you do about soil health?
Soil health may mean different things to different people. How can you contribute to soil health on your farm? Steinke and MSU researcher Mike Swoish will look beyond organic matter and cover crops
5. The right version of the phosphorus story
There is a lot of misinformation about the role of agriculture on the phosphorus (P) contamination of the Great Lakes. Are we in danger of algal blooms appearing in Lake Michigan? Check out the choices you have in terms of voluntary and proactive P practices to stay ahead of government regulations to restrict P use
6. Achieving a winning combination for wheat
Unpredictable weather has forced Michigan farmers to delay planting their crops. Steinke and MSU researcher Chris Bauer will look at a wheat management toolbox that will help you achieve a winning combination amongst planting date, plant population and nitrogen rate.
7. Soybean nutrient frustrations
Are you paying enough attention to soybean nutrient practices? Where to turn next? Should you resort to foliar feeding? Ohio State University crop science agronomist Laura Lindsey and Steinke will jointly address this topic.
8. Cool diagnostic tools for precision farming and integrated crop management
Check out the latest on Solvita soil respiration kits, chlorophyll meter, green seeker, new iPad apps, drones and more. MSU Extension educators and researchers, Steinke, Swoish and I will show and tell the latest gadgets
9. Pesticide credits awarded
All participants will earn 5.5 CCA (1.5NM, 1.5SW, 1.5CM, 0.5PM and 0.5PD) and 3.0 MDARD (Private Core, Commercial Core and 1 A) credits towards recertification.
10. Cookout and networking
Participants will enjoy the fun, outdoor cookout lunch and camaraderie with fellow growers, service providers and MSU Extension faculty.

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