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Total Affects of Recent Winter Weather Still Being Assessed in Latest USDA Crop Progress Reports

In the latest crop progress report released Monday May 8, 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture rates the US winter wheat crop condition at 53 percent good to excellent, with 32 fair, 11 poor and 4 very poor. Winter wheat headed was 50 percent compared to 55 percent this time last year and is 4 points above the five-year average. Corn planted at 47 percent, 14 points below this time last year and 5 points below the five-year average. Cotton planted rates at 21 percent and 4 below both last year and the average. Finally, Sorghum planted rates 30 percent, 1 point above last year and even with the average. For the complete USDA Crop Progress report, click here.
According to the weekly crop progress report from USDA, Oklahoma winter wheat headed reached 90 percent, up 1 point from the previous year and up 7 points from normal. Canola coloring reached 49 percent. Corn emerged reached 46 percent, unchanged from normal. Sorghum planted reached 25 percent, up 4 points from normal. Cotton planted reached 30 percent, up 23 points from the previous year and up 22 points from normal. Conditions of pasture and range were rated at 80 percent good to fair. To view the complete Oklahoma Crop Progress and Condition Report, click here.
In Kansas, winter wheat condition rated 10 percent very poor, 17 poor, 30 fair, 37 good, and 6 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 96 percent. Headed was 59 percent, behind 70 last year, but ahead of the five-year average of 51. Corn planted was 45 percent, behind 61 last year and 56 average. Emerged was 20 percent, behind 36 last year and 28 average. Sorghum planted was 1 percent, equal to last year, and near 2 average. Cotton planted was 1 percent, equal to last year, and near 5 average. Pasture and range conditions rated 1 percent very poor, 3 poor, 22 fair, 61 good, and 13 excellent. To view the complete Kansas Crop Progress and Condition Report, click here.
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