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Trade and technical missions highlight the value of Canadian Wheat

Each year Cereals Canada visits its many trading partners to discuss the previous growing season and quality of the wheat crop.

The New Crop Trade and Technical Missions made stops in key markets for Canadian wheat in Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Four delegations traveled to 17 countries to present the 2023 New Wheat Crop Report to global customers.

The delegations were made up of Cereals Canada trade and technical experts, exporters, and commissioners and staff from the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), along with grower representatives from Grain Farmers of Ontario, Alberta Grains, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, and Manitoba Crop Alliance.

Cereals Canada chief executive officer Dean Dias said seminars and meetings were held in each city to provide local buyers, millers, bakers, and processors with technical information.

“The Trade and Technical Missions are the culmination of our annual harvest assessments,” Dias said. “The Missions allow us to share information on the quality and functionality of Canadian wheat, but the true value lies in the opportunity to build relationships with our global customers and make new connections.”

This year’s missions included a stop in Manila, Philippines, home to Canada’s new Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-Food Office (IPAAO). The office was opened in late 2023 after significant and sustained advocacy by the Canadian grains sector.

The Indo-Pacific region presents a growing market for Canadian cereals, according to Dias.

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