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Trade of Canola between Canada and China still on Ice

Are relations between Canada and China thawing, when it comes to our canola seed?  Prime Minister Trudeau says he's optimistic countries around the world will begin to work with each other during such difficult times.  But there are some indications that China isn't moving in that direction.

Earlier this week, we heard rumblings that China was getting ready to resume normal trade with Canada when it comes to canola seed.  It was more than a year ago, when they banned shipments to our two main suppliers, or roughly 70 percent of the product we ship there, because of debris the government claims it found in two loads that arrived in Beijing.  China never provided any proof of that and refused to have face to face meetings to discuss the matter.

This week, it appeared China was reaching out to Canada, but after a couple of days of discussion, the chairman of ACPC isn't all that encouraged by what he heard.  John Guelly says he wishes it was better news but he says there's nothing to indicate that anything is going to change with canola trade to China at this time.

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