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Transport Canada looking for your input on Bunge Viterra Merger

In the last few months a number of producers, farm groups and organizations have raised concern about Bunge's planned acquisition of Viterra.

The two major grain companies officially made the announcement earlier this year and notified Canada's Minister of Transport about the decision on August 15th.

A month later Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez noted that in order to ensure that we have fair competition at Canada’s ports, the Government of Canada is launching a review of the proposed acquisition of grain handler Viterra Limited by Bunge Limited, a global agricultural company. 

"Both companies hold ownership interests in port terminals throughout our country. Healthy competition in the transportation sector is necessary to ensure fair pricing and access for users, especially for Canadian farmers. Given this transaction is of significant national interest in Canada’s transportation sector and the broader supply chain, it will be reviewed under the mergers and acquisitions provisions of the Canada Transportation Act. Goods must continue to move smoothly, and our supply chain must continue to grow stronger."

He announced plans for the Government to launch a public interest assessment that would include consultations with Canada’s ports and marine industry, stakeholders, other government departments, other orders of government, and Canadians.

An online public consultation opened on October 23rd with the public being encouraged to go to the link on the Transport Canada website to give their views on the merger.

Participants are asked to share their comments on three discussion questions. 

1. How do you think the acquisition of Viterra Limited by Bunge Limited would affect the Canadian economy and/or Canadian agricultural sector? Please explain.
2. Would you expect the acquisition to have a positive or negative effect on the national transportation system? Please explain.
3. In your opinion, should the acquisition be approved, approved with conditions, or disallowed? Why? Please explain.

Transport Canada's public online consultation into the Bunge-Viterra acquisition will close on December 22nd.

To participate in the review you can register online at Let’s Talk Transportation and share your comments or upload a document through the Submissions tab.

Source : Pembinavalley online

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