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Treasure Coast AGRIPLEX Breaks Ground

The Treasure Coast “AGRIPLEX” project is breaking ground, signaling the first step of what will become a showcase for excellence in food production using emerging technologies for the future of agriculture. Located in Indiantown, Fla., the AGRIPLEX will span over 80 acres and will support sustainable agriculture, food production, food safety, food advocacy and educational programs for children and their communities throughout Florida and from afar. The complex will feature vertical and urban farming practices, as well as a farmers’ market, and will become a destination showcase for agriculture.

The recent pandemic and its lingering effects on rising food costs and food supply chain disruptions is a significant force behind the dynamic AGRIPLEX creation. “There is no better time than now to actively address and create a local and trusted food sourcing platform.   Within our communities, people will be able to access information and skills regarding growing healthy food for themselves. “We are incredibly excited about the AGRIPLEX project,” says Jay Spicer, Treasure Coast AGRIPLEX Executive Director. Spicer also noted that it will be a first-of-its-kind operation, with the opportunity to create a platform that provides hands-on agriculture programs that will also support youth and veteran career development.

“The AGRIPLEX is not only a community win/win, but it also provides an abundance of economic and educational benefits…that are scalable, replicable best practice models for other communities. The facility will partner with brands across the agriculture industry to utilize and display new farming technology innovations, practices, and products from sustainable applications, innovative, and environmentally sound practices that will showcase the reimagining of agriculture today and for tomorrow,” says Cleo Franklin, Founder, and CEO, Franklin Strategic Solutions.” says Cleo Franklin, Founder, and CEO, Franklin Strategic Solutions. 

In addition, the AGRIPLEX will host a new fairgrounds, an 80,000 square foot training and events Expo Center, as well as a 2,500-seat open amphitheater, and a working educational farm. Future phases in the complex will include a BMX/Motocross track, an Equestrian Center and Archery Center.

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Ask A Farmer Podcast: How does food policy affect food choices?

Video: Ask A Farmer Podcast: How does food policy affect food choices?

The role of any food system is to serve the end consumer. In the past, farmers, food processors and retailers responded to the demands of consumers. Supply follows demand. For the most part, Canada has kept a very scientific based approach to policy making when it comes to food and how food is grown. However, based on what is happening in the European Union, there is concern with deviation from science-based policies. European policy making seeks to interfere in the demand and even more directly, in the supply side of the equation. The question that arises is will food policy move away from science? Bill Wirtz from the Consumer Choice Centre discusses how policy changes can affect food choices.