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Trucking Industry Key To The Supply Chain

The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is joining others in the agriculture sector in acknowledging the work and effort of those involved in the trucking industry for the work they do especially during COVID 19.

Stephen Vandervalk is the Alberta Vice President for the Wheat Growers and says truckers are key to keeping our supply chain moving.

"Without them, you want to see a country come to a standstill and have total absolute chaos, stop the trucking industry. So, we need to really show how important that is, and that starts from the farm, all the way to the grocery shelves."

He notes during COVID 19 some people have been able to stay home and do their job but that’s not an option for truckers.

He says it's imperative that truckers have access to the basic essentials like food and washrooms while doing their job.

"For the trucking industry, they have to get products from point A to point B. Otherwise, those shelves are empty and then you want to talk about what a big disaster is having empty shelves at a grocery store."

The Federal Government declared Agriculture and Agri-Food as an essential service; road transport is also considered an essential service.

The Government of Saskatchewan temporarily modified its hours of service regulations last week for commercial truckers providing direct assistance to emergency relief efforts during the response to COVID 19.

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