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Twelve Pulse Research Projects Receive Funding Support

Today Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) announced funding for 12 pulse-specific research projects, co-funded through Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF). SPG’s total investment of over $1.6 million was leveraged through the ADF process for a total investment in pulse research and development of over $4.5 million. These research projects are over two to five years in duration and will involve pea, fenugreek, lentil, and faba bean. The research will address breeding for improved traits such as disease resistance, higher protein content, and better flavour; faster screening methods for root rots; improved yield, weed and pest control; surveying for root rot and foliar disease; and crop rotations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A complete list of projects, including researchers, and SPG’s investment can be seen below.

  • Innovations to control troublesome weeds, Dr. Steve Robinson, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) – $86,625
  • Developing novel low tannin, early maturing fenugreek germplasm for the Prairies, Dr. Isobel Parkin, AAFC – $199,750
  • Development of a rapid screening technique for Aphanomyces root rot in pea and lentil, Dr. Sabine Banniza, University of Saskatchewan – $37,796
  • Development of advanced lentil lines with partial resistance against race 0 of Colletotrichum lentis causing anthracnose, Dr. Sabine Banniza, University of Saskatchewan – $363,968
  • PeaTILL – A targeted induced local lesions in genome population for improvement of yield, seed protein concentration and resistance to root rots in pea, Dr. Tom Warkentin, University of Saskatchewan – $338,229
  • Field trial and ingredient testing for the assessment of protein quality and flavour profile of the low lipoxygenase pea lines, Dr. Pankaj Bhowmik, National Research Council of Canada – $127,075
  • Metabolites responsible for antagonistic activity of biocontrol candidates for controlling Aphanomyces root rot in pulses, Dr. Krista Gill, AAFC – $50,675
  • A comprehensive survey to detect the presence of important foliar and root diseases of faba bean across the Prairies, Ahmed Abdelmagid, AAFC – $132,000
  • Understanding, mitigating, and managing protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor (Group 14)-resistant kochia, Dr. Charles Geddes, AAFC – $30,375
  • Crops with Benefits: Using rotations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Kate Congreves, University of Saskatchewan – $53,825
  • Develop a green, non-thermal and sustainable process for improving functionalities of pulse proteins, Dr. Lifeng Zhang, University of Saskatchewan – $83,375
  • Development of a co-extruded canola meal and pea starch product to replace dietary soybean meal, Rex Newkirk, University of Saskatchewan – $107,700

“SPG’s new research investments address the top priority issues for pulse producers, including support for weed control, pulse breeding for resistance to root rot and anthracnose, and protein and flavour improvements for peas,” says Winston van Staveren, SPG Chair. “We appreciate the continued support of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, and our other funding partners, and look forward to the results of this important research to improve profitability and competitiveness of Saskatchewan producers.”

Other co-funders of projects funded by SPG include the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission, Manitoba Crop Alliance, Prairie Oat Growers Association, and Western Grains Research Foundation. The ADF is supported through the federal-provincial Canadian Agricultural Partnership, between the federal and provincial governments to invest in strategic initiatives for Saskatchewan agriculture.

Accountable to and funded by growers, SPG’s strategic direction is guided by a nine-member, grower-elected, Board of Directors. SPG’s mission is to provide leadership for profitable growth for Saskatchewan pulses.

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