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Two Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs accepting applications

New programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership will support economic recovery and growth, and reduce red tape.

Market Assurance

Alberta’s livestock, crop and apiculture industries are continually tasked by new, domestic or export markets to meet new and emerging risks and control challenges. The program will support plant health, apiculture health, livestock health, biosecurity, traceability, surveillance, and livestock welfare gaps related to market assurance.

It also supports value chains with access to technical, compliance and market expertise, and technologies needed to implement assurance requirements and processes that provide confidence in the health, biosecurity, traceability, surveillance and welfare related attributes of Alberta’s livestock, crop and bee products. The program will also serve to reduce risks associated with these assurance related market interruptions.

This program is open for industry organizations, agri-processors and primary producers.

Efficient Grain Handling

The purpose of the program is to share costs with primary producers on the purchase of grain handling components that make grain handling more energy efficient to operate. The program is designed to help cut input costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This program is open to primary producers operating in Alberta.

To find more information about theses programs and to access the application forms visit the programs page on Alberta’s Canadian Agricultural Partnership website.

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a 5-year, $3 billion federal-provincial-territorial investment in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that began in April, 2018. In Alberta, it represents a federal-provincial investment of $406 million in strategic programs and initiatives for the agricultural sector.

Source : alberta

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Michael Killewald | | UM - Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences