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U of M Extension Launches New Soil Management And Health Website

 By Phyllis Bongard

Balancing the economic and environmental benefits of soil management strategies can be a challenge. U of MN Extension Crops team has launched a website that offers research-based resources to help producers improve soil and crop productivity, while minimizing environmental risks. The website, Soil management and health, features articles and videos in three primary sections:

  • Soil properties – includes descriptions of Minnesota soils and how they are formed, the importance of soil structure and the roles of organic matter and soil biology in building structure.
  • Tillage and soil management – includes resources for reducing soil compaction and erosion, managing crop residue, and evaluating tillage systems.
  • Cover crops – includes discussions on the benefits of cover crops and resources for selecting, establishing and maintaining them.
  • Soil fertility - provides a direct link to the U of M Extension Nutrient management website, which houses current crop fertilizer suggestions and data from the University of Minnesota.

The website also includes presentations, an A to Z library to find topics more easily, and links to other University soil websites.



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