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U.S. Food & Ag Dialogue For Trade Issues statement On Possible U.S. Withdrawal From NAFTA

The U.S. Food and Agriculture Dialogue for Trade (Trade Dialogue) issued the following statement regarding press reports of possible U.S. withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement.  Over 130 food and agriculture trade associations and companies participate in the Trade Dialogue.
"The U.S. Food and Agriculture Dialogue for Trade is pleased to work with the Trump Administration to expand jobs and exports through modernization of NAFTA.  U.S. engagement in constructive, substantive negotiations with Canada and Mexico as soon as possible should be the singular priority and focus regarding NAFTA. Our North American trading partners are our largest food and agriculture export markets. Food and agriculture support over 15 million American jobs and is the largest U.S. manufacturing jobs sector.  Building on our food and agriculture exports to Canada and Mexico is essential to meeting the Trump Administration's economic growth targets."


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Video: Georgia Farm Bureau Unites County Leaders to Strengthen Agriculture Advocacy

The Georgia Farm Bureau recently gathered over 150 county presidents for an event focused on grassroots leadership, advocacy, and collaboration. With agriculture policies starting at the local level, this meeting provided a platform for leaders to share ideas, engage in advocacy training, and ensure a unified voice for Georgia’s farming community. Experts like Tom McCall, Amelia Junod, and Austin Large emphasize the importance of political engagement, consistent messaging, and strengthening connections with legislators. Watch to learn how these leaders are shaping the future of agriculture in Georgia!