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U.S. Remains Biggest PED Threat to Canadian Swine Farms

By Bruce Cochrane

A Veterinary Epidemiologist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development says the United States remains the biggest threat to Canadian swine farms in terms of the potential for exposure of the virus responsible for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea.

Environmental testing indicates Alberta remains free of PED and Deltacoronavirus, Deltacoronavirus has been detected at one site in Saskatchewan, but it is believed to be the bird virus and not porcine Deltacoronavirus, PED positive environmental samples have been identified at 3 assembly yards in Manitoba but effective biocontainment has kept the virus from spreading, PED positive environmental samples have been identified in Quebec and one new case of PED has been confirmed in a finisher barn in Ontario.

Dr. Julia Keenliside, a Veterinary Epidemiologist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, says, in spite of that one new case, PED news is good in Canada.

Dr. Julia Keenliside-Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development:
In the U.S.A. which is the main source of infection, PED is established or endemic so we have to remember that it's going to be there for quite a long time and still provide a risk for Canada.

If you look on the American Association of Swine Veterinarians web site, you can see the USDA reports of all of the tests that are being done for PED.

It tells you how many samples are submitted and from how many different premises.

The number of sample being submitted is far lower than it was last year at this time which tells us one of two things.

First people may not be submitting as many samples because they know what they've got or second that they have improved their biosecurity significantly so perhaps we are seeing better control of PED in the U.S.A.

We'll know that for sure as the season wears on but the U.S.A. will still be considered a risk for Canada.

Dr. Keenliside says it is winter and PEDv does like the cold and the virus is on the move.

Source: Farmscape

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