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U.S. Soy: Collaboration is More Important than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for agriculture to further its collaboration.

Representatives from the U.S. soy industry recently participated in a U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action (USFRA) Farm + Food + Facts podcast. The episode, “The Importance of Collaboration During COVID-19 with United Soybean Board,” discussed how the soy checkoff works on behalf of U.S. soybean farmers to advance agriculture sustainability through research, education and promotion programs. This research, in turn, ensures that global buyers of U.S. Soy receive a high-quality, sustainable product.

The podcast featured United Soybean Board (USB) CEO Polly Ruhland and director Lynn Rohrscheib, an Illinois farmer.

U.S. growers have continued to farm throughout the pandemic, Rohrscheib emphasized, talking about how she has continued her collaboration with other farmers to talk about how she and other growers were working to provide food, fiber, and fuel in a sustainable manner to consumers.

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