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U.S. Wheat Associates Welcomes Japan’s OK of U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement

A Statement from Vince Peterson, President, U.S. Wheat Associates:
“Approval of the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement is one of the most important trade policy victories in many years for U.S. wheat farmers and their customers in Japan. U.S. Wheat Associates appreciates the swift consideration of the agreement by Japan’s National Diet and offers its thanks again to our trade negotiators and USDA officials who understand why it was so vital to see U.S. wheat exports gain equal footing again with competing supplies from Canada and Australia.”
USW’s mission is to “develop, maintain, and expand international markets to enhance wheat’s profitability for U.S. wheat producers and its value for their customers.” 
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Farm Accident Ruins My Harvest

Video: Farm Accident Ruins My Harvest

Farming is one of the most dangerous professions, and September 28, 2024, is a day I will never forget on my family's farm. In today’s video, I share my recent farm accident that happened this harvest season and reflect on the many blessings in my life.