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University of Kentucky Helping Farmers Implement Conservation Agriculture

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service is partnering with Extension at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Mississippi State University on programs to help farmers in the Midwest and Mid-South implement conservation agriculture practices through farmer-to-farmer learning. They will be holding three Good Idea Shop Talks this winter to foster idea exchange and problem solving for both row-crop and livestock producers.

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My Favorite Seed-Starting Tools & Setup for Maximum Success

Video: My Favorite Seed-Starting Tools & Setup for Maximum Success

Seed-starting season is here, and I’ve learned over the years that the key to success is being prepared before it’s time to sow. There’s nothing worse than scrambling to find seed trays, labels, or even your seeds on the day you’re ready to sow. That’s why I’m using this time to get organized, gather supplies, and fine-tune my seed-starting setup—and I want to show you exactly how I do it.