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University of Lethbridge Tell Agricultural Future

Two professors at the University of Lethbridge created an interactive website that could provide farmers and ranchers with practical information on climate extremes and their impact.
The site,, includes future climate projections, going from 2041 to 2070 and 55 climate variables, including frost days, length of growing season and rainfall extremes.
One of the professors, Stefan Kienzle says Alberta's climate is increasingly variable with more extreme weather events and warm and cold spells.
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Harvest A Corn Field With Me

Video: Harvest A Corn Field With Me

Beans are done, popcorn is done, so it's time for corn harvest. On our second day of corn we got into a field where we left a swath untreated by fungicide. This year we sprayed Miravis Neo from @SyngentaAgUS late in the season at brown silk. Plants were healthy at the time, but fungicides like Miravis Neo can have other benefits beyond protecting crops from disease. It can also keep the plants alive a bit longer during grain fill, and help keep a late harvested corn crop standing