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Updated 2016 Ohio, Indiana And Illinois Weed Control Guide Now Available

By Tracy Turner 
An updated weed control guide for three Midwestern states is now available in a new publication.
Palmer amaranth
The 2016 Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana and Illinois is now available for $15.25 and can be purchased at Ohio State University Extension’s eStore, It includes management tips from nationally known horticulture experts, including from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University,
The guide explains the importance of weed control and gives suggestions on herbicide management strategies for corn, popcorn, sweet corn, soybeans, small grains and forages. The guide also includes special sections on marestail, which is the biggest herbicide-resistant weed problem facing Ohio farmers, and Palmer amaranth, a glyphosate-resistant weed that has the ability to destroy entire crops.
The publication includes information from Mark Loux, an Ohio State University Extension weed specialist; Doug Doohan, a weed management expert and professor in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, who also has an appointment with the college’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; and Anthony Dobbels, a research specialist and weed scientist also in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science.
OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college.
The guide includes information on:
* Weed control principles.
* Burndown herbicide programs for corn and soybeans.
* Corn herbicide management strategies.
* Popcorn and sweet corn weed management.
* Soybean herbicide management strategies.
* Weed management strategies for wheat.
* Managing weeds in legumes.
* Management strategies for permanent grass pastures, grass hay.
* Control of problem weeds.
* Control of marestail in no-till soybeans.
* Palmer amaranth biology, identification and management.
The 218-page book also includes an index to all tables regarding herbicides listed on the back cover for easy navigation and quick referencing. The guide also lists contact information for the Ohio, Indiana and Illinois poison information centers and includes color photos.
The guide may be ordered through OSU Extension county offices or online for $15.25 plus tax and shipping through OSU Extension’s eStore at A PDF version of the guide is also available for $9.99.

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