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Updated 2021 Hop Management Guide Available to Michigan Hop Growers

By Erin Lizotte and Rob Sirrine
In an effort to assist hop growers in making pesticide and nutrient management decisions, an updated “Michigan Hop Management Guide, 2021” has been completed and is available for free at the Michigan State University Extension Hops page. The guide includes an updated list of registered pesticides, nutrient management recommendations and a guide to seasonal pest occurrence and management activities. 
Notable pesticide additions to the guide this year include:
  • Orondis Gold Fungicide
  • Gatten Fungicide
  • Homeplate 80L Herbicide
  • Outlook 6E Herbicide
  • Trellis SC Herbicide
  • Onager Miticide
Exporter note
The U.S. Hop Industry Plant Protection Committee has actively sought harmonization of pesticide regulatory standards (maximum residue levels or MRLs) in key customer countries for the past three decades. As U.S. hops are exported worldwide, ensuring consistent regulatory standards between the U.S. and export customers avoids trade issues and interruption of shipments. Some countries do not allow application of certain plant protection products or have lower MRLs than in the U.S. If you export hops, you will need to comply with international MRLs.
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