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Updated Syngenta Training Module Increases Understanding Of Corn Nematodes

  • Educates about yield-robbing corn nematodes
  • Explains value that Avicta® Complete Corn with Vibrance® nematicide/insecticide/fungicide seed treatment brings to corn plants and growers
  • Available at
Even though you can’t see them in the field, nematodes have serious implications for corn plants’ yield potential. Syngenta has updated its online training module to help growers and other ag industry professionals learn more about these early-season pests. 
The module provides easy-to-understand information on the prevalence and symptoms of corn nematodes and other early-season diseases and insects. It also details best management practices for dealing with these pests, including the use of Avicta® Complete Corn with Vibrance® nematicide/insecticide/fungicide seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products. 
“It can be difficult to correctly diagnose nematodes, and even when they are diagnosed, they can cause irreversible damage,” said Marc Hennen, Seedcare product lead at Syngenta. “We’ve designed this online tutorial as an educational tool to help growers better understand nematodes and the steps they can take to protect their crops against these damaging pests. Syngenta is committed to providing seed treatments and technologies that will help farmers grow more corn.” 
Through a series of short, informative sections, the module teaches users about:
  • Corn nematode species and prevalence by region
  • Damage caused by and symptoms of nematodes
  • How to test soil for nematodes
  • Management best practices
  • Benefits of Avicta Complete Corn with Vibrance seed treatment
  • Field trial results for Avicta Complete Corn and Vibrance
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