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USDA Announces Commodity Credit Corporation Lending Rates For September 2015

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) today announced interest rates for September 2015. The CCC borrowing rate-based charge for September is 0.375 percent, up from 0.250 percent in August.

The interest rate for crop year commodity loans less than one year disbursed during September is 1.375 percent, up from 1.250 percent in August.

Interest rates for Farm Storage Facility Loans approved for September are as follows, 2.000 percent with seven-year loan terms, down from 2.125 percent in August; 2.250 percent with 10-year loan terms, down from 2.375 percent in August and; 2.250 percent with 12-year loan terms, down from 2.500 percent in August. The interest rate for 15-year Sugar Storage Facility Loans for September is 2.375 percent, down from 2.625 percent in August.

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5 Questions with Seed World’s Insider of the Year

Video: 5 Questions with Seed World’s Insider of the Year

If you’ve spent any time in the seed industry, you probably know Jim Schweigert, President of Gro Alliance. Known for his leadership, innovative ideas, and ability to connect people, Jim is also the talented writer behind some of the most-read thought leadership in Seed World U.S. That’s why we’re thrilled to name Gro Alliance, with Jim at the helm, as our Insider of the Year!