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USDA Conservation Funding Shifts From Land Retirement Toward Working Land

USDA relies mainly on voluntary programs providing financial and technical support to encourage farmers to conserve natural resources and protect the environment. In inflation adjusted terms, USDA conservation program expenditures increased by roughly 70 percent between 1996 and 2012. Much of the increases in real spending over this period occurred in working land programs and agricultural easements.

Working land programs provide assistance to farmers who install or maintain conservation practices (such as nutrient management, conservation tillage, and the use of field-edge filter strips) on land in crop production and grazing. Agricultural easements provide long-term protection for agricultural land and wetlands.

The Conservation Reserve Program—which pays farmers to remove environmentally sensitive land from production and encourages partial-field practices such as using grass waterways and riparian buffers—is still USDA’s largest conservation program, but has slowly ebbed in prominence. While real spending on USDA conservation programs rose under the 2002 Farm Act (2002-07) and the 2008 Farm Act (2008-13), the 2014 Farm Act reduced mandatory spending, and expenditures over 2014 and 2015 appear to be leveling off.

USDA conservation funding shifts from land retirement toward working land

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Video: We are: Keystone Agricultural Producers

Founded in 1984, Keystone Agricultural Producers is Manitoba’s general farm organization, representing all Manitoba farmers across the province. Our core mission is to be the voice for farmers, addressing their most important issues. KAP is dedicated to leading progress, promoting transparency, and showcasing farmers' true impact and contribution to key audiences.