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USDA Crop Progress Report: Corn 94% Planted.


The weekly Crop Progress Report was released from USDA and indicates that the corn and soybean crops continue to be planted.

Highlights from the Report:

The USDA says 94% of corn is planted, compared to the five year average of 92%. Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri are all 99% complete. 78% of the crop has emerged, compared to 75% on average. In the first rating of the season, 72% of corn is in good to excellent condition, 2% less than this time last year.

73% of soybeans are planted, compared to 66% on average, with 14 of the 18 top producing states at or ahead of average. 45% of soybeans have emerged, compared to 40% typically this time of year.

73% of winter wheat is rated good to excellent, up 1% on the week, and 84% has headed.

79% of spring wheat is called good to excellent, 3% above a week ago, and 88% of the crop has emerged.

66% of pastures and rangelands are in good to excellent condition, up 2%.

To see the full report and the state by state breakdown visit the USDA report.






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