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USDA Export Sales Report

Wheat:  Net sales of 492,300 metric tons for delivery in marketing year 2017/2018 were up 13 percent from the previous week and 37 percent from the prior 4-week average.   Increases were for the Philippines (87,800 MT, including 80,000 MT switched from unknown destinations), China (68,100 MT), Japan (61,800 MT), Taiwan (33,300 MT), and the United Arab Emirates (30,000 MT).  Exports of 715,500 MT were up 68 percent from the previous week and 88 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The primary destinations were the Philippines (115,500 MT), China (115,500 MT), Mexico (92,800 MT), Taiwan (88,300 MT), and Chile (67,900 MT).
Corn:  Net sales of 814,100 MT for 2017/2018 were reported for Mexico (190,600 MT), South Korea (119,600 MT), Colombia (116,700 MT, including 95,000 MT switched from unknown destinations), unknown destinations (115,300 MT), China (76,100 MT, including 65,000 MT switched from unknown destinations), and Honduras (65,300 MT, including 12,300 MT switched from unknown destinations).  Reductions were reported for the French West Indies (8,300 MT).  Exports of 966,000 MT were primarily to Mexico (401,500 MT), Japan (154,600 MT), Colombia (137,100 MT), South Korea (72,300 MT), and Peru (69,400 MT).
Optional Origin Sales:  For 2017/2018, the current optional origin outstanding balance is 168,000 MT, all unknown destinations. 
Barley:  Net sales of 400 MT for 2017/2018 were reported for Taiwan.  Exports of 400 MT were reported to South Korea (300 MT) and Japan (100 MT). 
Sorghum:  Net sales of 116,000 MT for 2017/2018 were reported for unknown destinations (66,000 MT) and China (50,000 MT).  Exports of 300 MT were reported to Mexico. 
Rice:  Net sales of 47,700 MT for 2017/2018 were up 9 percent from the previous week and 30 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases were reported for Mexico (18,900 MT), Japan (14,500 MT), Jordan (8,800 MT), Ghana (2,000 MT), and Canada (1,300 MT).  Reductions were reported for Haiti (500 MT).  Exports of 23,700 MT were down 64 percent from the previous week and 56 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The primary destinations were Mexico (14,200 MT), Canada (2,300 MT), Jordan (2,100 MT), Haiti (1,300 MT), and Saudi Arabia (700 MT). 
Exports for Own Account:  The current outstanding balance of 300 MT is for Canada. 
Soybeans:  Net sales of 1,016,100 MT for 2017/2018 were reported for China (608,900 MT, including 254,000 MT switched from unknown destinations), Thailand (93,600 MT), Portugal (70,700 MT, including 65,000 MT switched from Spain), Vietnam (70,500 MT, including 60,000 MT switched from unknown destinations), and the Netherlands (66,600 MT, including 66,000 MT switched from unknown destinations).  Reductions were reported for Spain (65,000 MT) and unknown destinations (56,500 MT).  Exports of 986,000 MT were primarily to China (547,900 MT), Mexico (99,200 MT), Portugal (70,700 MT), Vietnam (70,200 MT), and the Netherlands (66,600 MT). 
Optional Origin Sales:  For 2017/2018, options were exercised to export 55,000 MT to China from other than the United States.  The current optional origin outstanding balance is 110,000 MT, all China. 
Exports for Own Account:  The current outstanding balance of 14,000 MT is for Canada. 
Soybean Cake and Meal:  Net sales of 12,000 MT for 2016/2017 were down noticeably from the previous week, but up 20 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases were reported for Canada (7,800 MT), El Salvador (6,500 MT, including 3,800 MT switched from Guatemala, 1,500 MT switched from Nicaragua, and 500 MT switched from Honduras), Honduras (6,200 MT), Saudi Arabia (5,000 MT), Guyana (2,400 MT, switched from the French West Indies), and South Korea (1,800 MT).  Reductions were reported for Japan (7,600 MT), unknown destinations (5,800 MT), the French West Indies (4,200 MT), and Guatemala (3,800 MT).  For 2017/2018, net sales of 328,500 MT were reported primarily for unknown destinations (121,500 MT), Canada (79,000 MT), the Philippines (45,000 MT), and Honduras (27,100 MT).  Reductions were reported for Ecuador (6,000 MT).  Exports of 132,100 MT were down 30 percent from the previous week and 10 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The destinations were primarily Canada (25,000 MT) the Dominican Republic (24,600 MT), Colombia (17,400 MT), Mexico (10,600 MT), Malaysia (10,600 MT), El Salvador (9,600 MT), and Peru (9,600 MT).
Soybean Oil:  Net sales of 2,600 MT for 2016/2017 were down 54 percent from the previous week and 39 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases reported for Mexico (3,400 MT) and Canada (100 MT), were partially offset by reductions for Honduras (1,000 MT).  For 2017/2018, net sales of 14,600 MT were reported primarily for South Korea (10,000 MT), the Dominican Republic (1,500 MT), and Colombia (1,500 MT).  Exports of 11,400 MT were down 19 percent from the previous week, but up 9 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The destinations were primarily Guatemala (4,000 MT), Jamaica (3,500 MT), and Mexico (3,300 MT).
Cotton:  Net sales of 161,000 RB for 2017/2018 were down 17 percent from the previous week, but up 8 percent from the prior 4-week average.   Increases were reported for Vietnam (43,200 RB, including 700 RB switched from Japan and 300 RB switched from Taiwan), Turkey (36,900 RB,), China (35,600 RB), Indonesia (20,300 RB, including 1,800 RB switched from Japan), Peru (8,800 RB), and Bangladesh (4,400 RB, including 2,200 RB switched from Turkey).  Reductions were reported for Venezuela (2,200 RB), Japan (2,100 RB), and Thailand (1,500 RB).  For 2018/2019, net sales of 28,600 RB were reported for Pakistan.  Exports of 114,900 RB were down 13 percent from the previous week and 21 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Exports were reported primarily to Vietnam (29,300 RB), China (15,100 RB), Mexico (14,000 RB), Indonesia (10,200 RB), and South Korea (9,800 RB).  Net sales of Pima totaling 23,600 RB for 2017/2018 were up 51 percent from the previous week and 16 percent from the prior 4-week average.   Increases were reported primarily for Vietnam (12,200 RB), China (6,700 RB), India (2,000 RB), and Peru (1,300 RB).  Exports of 4,900 RB were down 17 percent from the previous week, but up 5 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The primary destinations were India (2,300 RB), China (900 RB), Pakistan (900 RB), and South Korea (700 RB).
Optional Origin Sales:  The current optional origin outstanding balance of 16,500 RB is for Indonesia.  
Exports for Own Account:  New exports for own account totaling 11,100 RB were reported for Indonesia (8,200 RB), Vietnam (2,200 RB), and Thailand (700 RB).  Exports to South Korea (1,000 RB), Indonesia (800 RB), Thailand (700 RB), and Bangladesh (100 RB) were applied to new or outstanding sales.  Decreases of 1,700 RB were reported for Indonesia.  The current outstanding balance of 80,800 RB is for Indonesia (56,200 RB), Taiwan (13,100 RB), India (3,800 RB), Vietnam (3,400 RB), Bangladesh (2,700 RB), South Korea (1,100 RB), and Pakistan (500 RB).
Hides and Skins:  Net sales of 471,000 pieces reported for 2017 were down 42 percent from the previous week and 9 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Whole cattle hide sales totaling 471,100 pieces were primarily for China (313,200 pieces), Mexico (75,600 pieces), South Korea (52,000 pieces), Hong Kong (11,600 pieces), and Turkey (7,800 pieces).  Reductions were reported for Taiwan (300 pieces).  Exports of 391,600 pieces reported for 2017 were down 42 percent from the previous week and 15 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Whole cattle hides exports of 383,300 pieces were primarily to China (260,600 pieces), South Korea (62,200 pieces), Thailand (24,900 pieces), Mexico (18,300 pieces), and Taiwan (7,900 pieces).
Net sales of 170,400 wet blues for 2017 were up 17 percent from the previous week and 45 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases were reported for China (39,700 unsplit and 14,700 grain splits), Italy (30,900 unsplit and 12,000 grain splits), Hong Kong (39,000 grain splits), and Vietnam (9,300 grain splits and 4,700 unsplit).   Exports of 121,200 wet blues for 2017 were down 39 percent from the previous week and 24 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The primary destinations were Italy (46,100 unsplit and 4,000 grain splits), Vietnam (17,200 unsplit and 8,300 grain splits), China (19,600 unsplit), and Thailand (9,300 unsplit).  Net sales of splits totaling 34,400 pounds for 2017 were reported for South Korea.  Exports of 131,100 pounds for 2017 were down 39 percent from the previous week and 45 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The destination was South Korea.
Beef: Net sales of 20,800 MT reported for 2017 were up 30 percent from the previous week and 70 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases were reported for Japan (7,700 MT), Hong Kong (5,100 MT), South Korea (2,500 MT), Taiwan (2,000 MT), and Canada (1,100 MT).  For 2018, net sales of 1,900 MT were reported primarily for Hong Kong (800 MT), Japan (700 MT), and Canada (300 MT).  Exports of 15,900 MT were down 6 percent from the previous week, but up 2 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The primary destinations were Japan (5,100 MT), South Korea (3,400 MT), Hong Kong (2,200 MT), Mexico (1,800 MT), and Canada (1,100 MT). 
Pork:  Net sales of 21,200 MT reported for 2017 were down 42 percent from the previous week and 13 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases were reported for South Korea (5,300 MT), Mexico (5,100 MT), Colombia (2,500 MT), Canada (2,300 MT), and Japan (1,700 MT).    Exports of 20,200 MT were down 2 percent from the previous week, but up 1 percent from the prior 4-week average.  The destinations were primarily Mexico (8,700 MT), Japan (3,700 MT), South Korea (2,300 MT), Canada (1,500 MT), and Colombia (900 MT). 
Source : USDA

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