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USDA NASS Announces Release of 2022 Census of Agriculture

Data from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) 2022 Census of Agriculture show the number of farms in Nebraska during 2022 was 44,479, down 4% from the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Land in farms, at 44.0 million acres was down 2% from that reported five years prior. Land in farms accounted for 89.4% of the total land area in the state compared to 38.9% for the U.S. The average size of farm in Nebraska was 989 acres, up 2% or 18 acres from 2017.

The total value of agricultural products sold in 2022 was 29.4 billion dollars, up 34% from 2017. Of the total value of production, 52% originated from livestock with 48% from crops. Average net income per farm was $172,677 dollars, up 97% from 2017.

During 2022, the average age of producers was 56.9 years compared to 56.4 years in 2017. The number of young producers, defined as age 34 or less, was 9,031, or 11% of all producers. The number of female producers was 26,364, or 33% of all producers. For 2022, data were collected from a maximum of four producers per farm.

The Census of Agriculture contains numerous statistics not readily available from other sources. For example, 83% of Nebraska farms had internet access compared to 79% for all U.S. farms. Additional information on demographics, decision making, and minor commodity statistics are also available.

In addition to state and county data publications, additional online resources are available such as Quick Stats 2.0 and Ag Census Highlights. Additional resources including Ag Census Web Maps are scheduled to be released in September 2024, while Zip Code Tabulations are scheduled to be released in November 2024. Ranking and Profile tabulations will be available throughout 2024. All census data products can be found on the USDA NASS website.

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Video: Ag Matters Podcast - Episode 1: Why Agriculture Matters

In this episode, we dive deep into how agricultural policies—both good and bad—shape the landscape of farming in Manitoba and beyond.

We’ll explore the far-reaching impacts of these policies on producers, consumers, the environment, and government. How do regulations and supports affect farmers' ability to thrive? What do these policies mean for food security, environmental sustainability, and the economy?

Joined by two expert voices in Manitoba agriculture: Cam Dahl, General Manager of the Manitoba Pork Council, and Kurt Siemens, a third-generation Egg Farmer.

Together, they share firsthand insights on how policy decisions directly influence their operations, the broader agricultural sector, and the everyday lives of Manitobans.