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USDA-NASS: Corn 74% Good-Excellent, Soybean, 70%, Wheat, 48%

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Soybean and corn fields at the University's Rogers Memorial Farm east of Lincoln.
Dry conditions across much of Nebraska allowed wheat harvest to begin, according to the report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending June 25.
Topsoil moisture supplies rated 14% very short, 42% short, 44% adequate, and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 7% very short, 33% short, 60% adequate, and 0% surplus.
  • Corn condition rated 1% very poor, 5% poor, 20% fair, 62% good, and 12% excellent. Nationally, corn condition was rated 2% very poor, 6% poor, 25% fair, 55% good, and 12% excellent. Silking was reported in several states: Illinois (2%), Indiana (2%), Kansas (8%), Kentucky (20%), Missouri (6%), North Carolina (60%), Ohio (1%), Tennessee (38%), and Texas (56%).
  • Soybean condition rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 23% fair, 63% good, and 7% excellent. Soybeans blooming was 7%, equal to last year, and near 8% for the five-year average. Nationally, condition was rated 2% very poor, 6% poor, 26% fair, 56% good, and 10% excellent. Nine percent of the US crop was reported blooming, slightly ahead of the five-year average of 7% for this time.
  • Winter wheat condition rated 3% very poor, 13% poor, 36% fair, 42% good, and 6% excellent. Winter wheat coloring was 92%, ahead of 86% last year and 76% average. Mature was 27%. Harvested was 1%, near 3% last year, and behind 8% average. Nationally, 41% of the US crop had been harvested, similar to 42% last year and the five-year average of 39%. Condition was rated 4% very poor, 12% poor, 35% fair, 40% good, and 9% excellent.
  • Sorghum condition rated 0% very poor, 1% poor, 35% fair, 57% good, and 7% excellent. Sorghum emerged was 97%, near 94% last year, and ahead of 92% average. Headed was 3%, near 0 both last year and average. Nationally, sorghum condition was rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 31% fair, 57% good, and 8% excellent. Also, 20% of the US crop had headed, compared with 25% last year and 22% for the five-year average.
  • Oats condition rated 1% very poor, 9% poor, 33% fair, 50% good, and 7% excellent. Oats headed was 97%, ahead of 91% last year and 85% average. Coloring was 52%, ahead of 46% last year. Nationally, oat condition was rated 6% very poor, 12% poor, 28% fair, 45% good, and 9% excellent; 73% of the US crop had headed, similar to the five-year average of 74%.
  • Alfalfa condition rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 28% fair, 58% good, and 7% excellent. Alfalfa first cutting was 97% complete. Second cutting was 26% complete.
  • Dry edible beans condition rated 2% very poor, 9% poor, 32% fair, 41% good, and 16% excellent. Dry edible beans planting was 98% complete. Emerged was 80%, behind 90% last year, and near the five-year average of 84%.
  • Proso millet planted was 93%, near 89% last year, and ahead of the average of 80%.
  • Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 7% poor, 36% fair, 50% good, and 6% excellent.

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