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USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture Content Test is Underway

Many agricultural producers across the United States recently received 2022 Census of Agriculture Content Test materials. The Content Test, which runs through spring, is a critical part of the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service’s (NASS) preparation for the nation’s once-every-five-year Census of Agriculture. NASS selected approximately 36,000 producers to participate in the survey to ensure representation across all segments of U.S. agriculture.
Participants in the test are asked to provide information on the effectiveness of the 2022 questionnaire for various modes of data collection, including mail, telephone interviews, and online reporting. NASS will consider all test results on content and modes of data collection for incorporation into the 2022 Census of Agriculture.
“NASS conducts statistical research to continually improve the quality of agricultural data, while also reducing the time and effort for producers responding to surveys,” said Census and Survey Division Director Barbara Rater. “The Content Test collects data directly from producers to help ensure that future census data are as accurate as possible. Participation in this test is vital to the success of the upcoming agriculture census.”
NASS has been preparing for the 2022 Census of Agriculture since 2018 when they began evaluating the content and design of the previous Census questionnaire and soliciting public input into the 2022 Census.
The Census of Agriculture is the only source of comprehensive agricultural data for every state and county in the nation. The data are widely used to inform decisions that benefit the agricultural community and the nation – from decisions guiding essential food delivery systems, succession planning, and new and beginning farmer programs, to decisions affecting agriculture practices, land stewardship, and sustainability.
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