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USDA Strengthens Rules For Organic Livestock And Poultry, Ensures Fairness For Organic Producers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) today announced a final rule that strengthens the integrity of the organic label by clarifying production requirements for organic livestock and poultry. The final rule establishes a level playing field for organic producers, bolsters consumer confidence in the organic label, and ensures that all organic animals live in pasture-based systems utilizing production practices that support their well-being and natural behavior.

In addition, the final rule supports the core goal of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), which instructs USDA to develop regulations – including detailed standards for organic livestock and poultry production – to ensure that organic products meet a consistent standard.

“During this Administration, USDA’s support for the organic sector has grown along with the demand for organically produced products,” said AMS Administrator Elanor Starmer.  “To build on this support, it has been a top priority to strengthen standards for organic livestock and poultry, ensuring that we meet consumer expectations and maintain the integrity of the USDA organic seal. This rule is also about fairness for organic producers - it ensures that everyone competes on a level field and plays by the same rules.”

Based on multiple recommendations from the National Organic Standards Board and a robust record of public comments from a range of stakeholders, these amendments ensure consistency and consumer transparency by setting clear, enforceable standards for organic animals.  Developed in close consultation with other Federal agencies, the rule also clarifies options available to organic producers to help them achieve critical food safety and biosecurity goals.  Major provisions of the rule include:

  • Clarifying how producers and handlers must treat livestock and poultry to ensure their health and well-being throughout life, including transport and slaughter.
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