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USDA Will Provide Disaster Assistance to Vermont Farmers and Livestock Producers

USDA Will Provide Disaster Assistance to Vermont Farmers and Livestock Producers

By Julia Tanier

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is offering technical and financial assistance to farmers that were hit by last month's floods.

According to a USDA press release, producers who experienced livestock deaths may be eligible for the Livestock Indemnity Program. Bee keepers who lost hives or farmers who lost feed and hay may be eligible for the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program.

Orchards and nursery tree growers may be eligible for cost-share assistance through the Tree Assistance Program, which complements the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program.

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Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Video: Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Joining us this week for Cattle Markets was Mike Briggs. Here is our conversation from Wednesday morning.