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Use an Integrated Disease Management Plan to Control Blackleg in Canola

For canola growers, blackleg can cause yield and quality losses, impact profitability and may create market risk.To help protect your investment and manage this disease, Keep it Clean encourages growers to employ an integrated blackleg management strategy. This includes growing resistant varieties, rotating crops and pre-harvest scouting for the disease.

It Starts with Seed Selection

Selecting blackleg-resistant canola seed is an essential part of an integrated blackleg management strategy.Only plant varieties that are rated R (resistant) or MR (moderately resistant) to blackleg and rotate varieties to bring a mix of blackleg resistance genes and sources to the field over time. Use a blackleg race identification test to determine predominant races in the field and help match appropriate major gene resistance.Consider fungicide options: a fungicide seed treatment is available for many canola varieties to protect plants when they are most susceptible; an early season foliar fungicide application can help to prevent yield losses in higher risk situations.During non-canola years, control volunteer canola and other Brassica weeds (e.g. stinkweed, shepherd’s purse, wild mustard and flixweed) to prevent build up of the blackleg pathogen in the field.Scout canola fields regularly for blackleg symptoms and incidence to help determine the effectiveness of your blackleg management plan.

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