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Using Fungicides To Suppress Fusarium Head Scab In Wheat

By Martin Nagelkirk
Wheat head with flowers (note visible anthers). 
As wheat continues to develop heads across Michigan, growers will need to decide whether or not to apply a fungicide to combat Fusarium head scab.
Fusarium head blight, or head scab, continues to be Michigan’s most challenging wheat disease. Michigan State University Extension recommends growers consider using fungicides during wheat’s early flowering stage of development when weather conditions are conducive for its development.
The disease, in general, is favored by moderate temperatures of 56 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and high relative humidity, particularly in excess of 90 percent, beginning and ending several days on either side of the early flowering period, which begins a few days after heading and continues for several days depending on air temperatures.
The Fusarium Risk Assessment Tool is available to give a daily risk assessment for specific locales. The model is correct about 75 percent of the time, but growers are also encouraged to consider their own experience. The other major consideration is the innate resistance individual varieties have to fend off the disease (see table).
The best fungicides against head scab include Prosaro and Caramba. These products usually reduce the severity of the disease and the associated mycotoxin (D.O.N. or vomitoxin) by half if applied correctly. To optimize the benefit of these fungicides, growers should treat two to seven days after the heads have begun to flower. An information piece, “Managing Fusarium head blight,” is available from MSU for more information.
The fungicide application targeting Fusarium head scab is also important in helping reduce yield losses from leaf diseases. Protection from these diseases, including leaf spots and leaf rust, during the flowering and grain fill periods often translates to several bushels of additional yield per acre.
Relative susceptibility of winter wheat varieties to Fusarium head scab
Soft white winter wheat Soft red winter wheat
 AmbassadorVery suscetible Pioneer 25R40Susceptible BransonModerately suscetible MCIA RoaneModerately suscetible
 Skeet SafetyVery suscetible Wellman 206Susceptible Red DevilModerately suscetible Pioneer 25R50Moderately suscetible
 JupiterSusceptible HopewellSusceptible AgriMax 413Moderately suscetible Red DragonModerately resistant
 AC MountainSusceptible ShirleySusceptible DynaGro  9223Moderately suscetible DF 112RModerately resistant
 AubreySusceptible DynaGro 9243Susceptible Pioneer 25R39Moderately suscetible Pioneer 25R25Moderately resistant
 Pioneer 25W36Susceptible Pioneer 25R47Susceptible DF 105RModerately suscetible Agrimax 415Moderately resistant
 E6012Susceptible Red RubySusceptible SiennaModerately suscetible Steyer HunkerModerately resistant
 VenusSusceptible Pioneer 25R62Susceptible Rupp 907Moderately suscetible L334Moderately resistant
 DynaGro 9242WModerately suscetible WhaleSusceptible SunburstModerately suscetible Rupp 972Moderately resistant
 Pioneer 25W43Moderately suscetible DF 109RSusceptible DynaGro 9171Moderately suscetible 
 Syngenta 901Moderately suscetible Agrimax 438Susceptible AgriMax 444Moderately suscetible
 Pioneer 25W31Moderately suscetible DF 045Susceptible DynaGro  9053Moderately suscetible
 DynaGro 9353WModerately suscetible SC1342Susceptible DynaGro 9042Moderately suscetible
  DynaGro 9522Susceptible Wellman 123Moderately suscetible


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