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Using high moisture grain in cattle rations

First off today—harvesting and using high moisture grain in cattle rations. Barry Yaremcio, beef forage specialist at the Ag-Info Centre, says if cattle are needing grain supplementation this winter, using high moisture barley is an option.

Interview with Barry Yaremcio (4:15 minutes) (1.94 Mb)

Source : Alberta agriculture and forestry

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Assessing Pregnant Ewes: Key Signs, Problems, and Why We Wait to Breed Ewe Lambs

Video: Assessing Pregnant Ewes: Key Signs, Problems, and Why We Wait to Breed Ewe Lambs

Assessing pregnant ewes for the key signs that things are progressing normally and that lambs are imminent and on track, plus signs that things may not be going well is the focus on our sheep farm this morning. Lambing season is just one week away, and the anticipation is building at Ewetopia Farms! In today’s vlog, we focus on our pregnant ewes as their bodies prepare for lambing. Learn how to spot key signs of labor, including udder development and changes in the ewe's appearance, and discover what potential complications to watch out for, like abortions and metabolic issues.

We also share our philosophy on breeding practices, explaining why we wait to breed replacement ewe lambs until they are fully mature.