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USPOULTRY Hosts Biosecurity Webinar Addressing ON - Farm Waterfowl Mitigation Practices

As a further continuation of its Biosecurity Program offerings, USPOULTRY is hosting a web inar addressing “ON - Farm Waterfowl Mitigation Practices” on Wednesday, May 13 , from 1 – 2 :15 p.m. EDT. The webinar is free of charge to USPOULTRY members.

The webinar will feature Shannon Chandler, wildlife disease biologist, and Clint Turnage , wildlife disease biologist, both from USDA - APHIS Wildlife Services. Both specialize in disease surveillance pertaining to avian influenza, along with other areas such as plaque & tularemia, feral swine diseases, chronic wasting disease, E. coli , rabies , racco on roundworm and canine parvovirus

The “ON - Farm Waterfowl Mitigation Practices” webinar will discuss how producers can reduce congregations of wild birds (mainly waterfowl) on farm premises and methods that farmers can implement to help make farms unattractive to the wild birds.

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Video: Senate Ag Farm Bill Released

This week, the Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee released the text of her draft Farm Bill for consideration by the Senate Agriculture Committee in the lame duck session.