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Utilizing Annual and Perennial Forages to Improve Productivity

This article is one of a series of case studies on forage beneficial management practices from Alberta Agrisystems Living Lab and Canfax. It is reprinted on with permission.

What can I do about low productivity pastures or increase my feed supply? Several beneficial management practices (BMPs) can improve pasture or feed yields, increase the proportion of desirable species in a forage stand, improve overall forage quality, or have beneficial impacts on soil quality. A variety of methods can be used to achieve these goals, such as grazing management, re-seeding, sod seeding, overseeding, utilizing different forage mixtures (for pasture or feed production), applying fertilizer/manure, and/or herbicide application. The benefits from using these practices may include increased yields, improved average daily gain, increased potential to retain soil moisture, more grazing days, reduced winter feed costs or impact of drought, and better body condition on cows.1

Three producers have shared their firsthand experiences with the following BMPs so that their insight and knowledge may help others looking to try these practices on their own operations:

  • Intercropping Wheat and Italian Ryegrass 
  • Tame Pasture Rejuvenation 
  • Forage Mixtures for Silage 
  • Maintaining Optimal Species Composition with Intensive Grazing 
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