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UW-Extension Cattle Feeders Clinics Slated For Feb. 9 – 12 Around The State

Contact: Bill Halfman, UW-Extension agriculture agent, 608-269-8722
The last few years, have had cattle feeders see record high cattle prices and continued volatility in the grain markets. Wisconsin cattle feeders who are seeking information on managing price risk, determining when to market fed cattle from an optimum profit perspective and getting their feeders off to a good start should attend this year’s cattle feeder clinics.
Cattle prices are still at record highs, but how long will they stay there? It is hard to tell. Brenda Boetel, University of Wisconsin-Extension livestock and grain marketing specialist will present information on risk management tools that cattle feeders can use to put in price floors to protect help reduce their risk on cattle they currently have on feed. Dr. Boetel will also present a market outlook and update on what the current information is suggesting.
cattle feeder
At what point is it no longer profitable to continue to feed heavy cattle, and is it best to send them to market? Mitch Schaefer, UW PhD graduate student, will present information on how to use feed intake, growth models and current prices to determine when it makes the most sense to market fed Holsteins and beef cattle.
Minimizing health problems of feeder cattle is critical to profitability. Larry Baumann, UW-Extension veterinarian/animal health specialist, and Sandy Stuttgen and Sarah Mills-Lloyd, UW-Extension agriculture agents will present information on protocols and considerations for managing calf health including getting newly arrived feeder calves off to a good start.
The Cattle Feeders Clinics will be held at seven locations around the state beginning on Feb. 9 and going through Feb. 12. Brochures for each location can be found be found online at
Dates, locations, and host Extension Offices for the Cattle Feeder’s series are as follows. Registration fees will vary by location:
Feb. 9
  • Thorp: Thorp Library, 5:30 p.m. registration, program 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Contact: UW-Extension Clark County office at 715-743-5121
Feb. 10
  • Marion: Equity Sale Barn, 11:30 a.m. lunch and registration, program 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Contact: UW-Extension Waupaca County office at 715-258-6231
  • Waldo: Chissy’s Pub, 5:30 p.m. registration and meal, program 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Contact: UW-Extension Sheboygan County office at 920-459-5902
Feb. 11
  • Jefferson: Jefferson County Extension Office, 12:15 p.m. registration, 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. program. Contact: UW-Extension Jefferson County office at 920-674-7297
  • Sparta: Jake’s Northwoods, 5:30 p.m. registration, 6 p.m. meal, program 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. Contact: UW-Extension Monroe County office at 608-269-8722
Feb. 12
  • Mondovi: Buzz’s Bar and Grill, 10 a.m. registration, program 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., includes noon meal. Contact: UW-Extension Buffalo County office at 608-685-6256
  • Baldwin: American Legion Hall, 6 p.m. registration, program 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Contact: UW-Extension St. Croix County office at 715-531-1930

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