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Vineland launches new venture

Vineland now provides custom systems integration services for Canadian horticulture companies to help increase productivity and operations efficiencies.
Our specialized approach to optimizing your operation means quick results and turnaround to help maximize profit and achieve optimal return on investment.
Our tailored solutions are cost effective and reliable with prompt support and service.
We offer:
  • Customized robotic and automation solutions
  • Consultation and technology assessments
And cost reduction opportunities in:
  • Automated packaging and palletizing
  • Automated sorting and grading
  • Greenhouse process automation
  • Produce processing solutions
  • Labour tracking and performance management systems
  • LEAN process optimization and waste reduction 

Source : Vineland Research

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Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Video: Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Today, I’m switching things up and planting roses! Normally, I’m in the vegetable garden talking about things like top dressing or soil amendments, but today, I wanted to show you another use for my favorite soil amendment, Soil³—perfect for amending my clay soil when planting trees and shrubs like these rose bushes.