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Virus Viability in Spiked Swine Bone Marrow Tissue During Above Ground Burial Method and Under In-Vitro Conditions

The emergence of high consequence animal diseases usually requires managing significant mortality. A desirable aspect of any carcass management method is the ability to contain and inactivate the target pathogen. The above-ground burial (AGB) technique was recently developed and proposed as an alternative carcass management method. Here, we investigate the tenacity of Swinepox Virus (SwPV), as a surrogate model for African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) in swine carcasses during the AGB process. For this, SwPV was inoculated intrafemorally in 90 adult swine carcasses, which were subsequently disposed under AGB conditions. Bone marrow samples were recovered periodically throughout 12 months and virus viability was assessed by virus isolation (VI) whereas the presence of SwPV DNA was evaluated by qPCR. Additionally, an in-vitro study assessed the inactivation rate of SwPV, Senecavirus A (SVA), and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV). Viral suspensions were mixed with bone marrow material and maintained at 21-23 °C for 30 days. Virus viability was assessed by VI, and viral titration. In the field study, SwPV remained viable only in 11 (55%) bone marrow samples collected on day 7; only viral DNA (and not infectivity) was detected afterwards. SwPV inactivation was estimated to have occurred by day 11. The in-vitro testing revealed a variable tenacity of the studied viruses. The viability period was estimated in 28, 80, 118 days, respectively, for BVDV, SwPV, and SVA. Overall, these findings indicate that the AGB technique was effective in quickly inactivating SwPV. Additionally, the SwPV inactivation rate is comparable to ASFV under field studies and poses a potential model for preliminary ASFV inactivation studies with reduced biosecurity requirements. Moreover, this study contributes to understanding the inactivation kinetics of viruses under specific conditions, which is critical when designing and applying countermeasures in case of biosecurity breaches in sites managing animal mortality. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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