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Wake-Up Call For Old World Bollworm

 By Jim Steadman

oldworldbollworm web

USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed that the Old World bollworm (OWB), an aggressive global pest, has been found in western coastal Florida.

According to APHIS, the pest – known officially as Helicoverpa armigera – is found in many countries around the world and, most recently, in Puerto Rico, Brazil and Argentina. It is considered a severe economic pest in most places where it occurs and can impact at least 180 species of plants, including cotton, vegetables, soybeans, tobacco, corn and other grain crops.

Nearly a third of global pesticide treatments in areas of infestation are aimed at controlling OWB, which has shown a history of developing resistance to insecticides and, potentially, some Bt proteins. APHIS has dedicated more than $1.2 million for OWB detection and control efforts in the U.S. in 2015.

OWB is related to the corn earworm/cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa zea), and the two are nearly identical in appearance. DNA analysis is needed to distinguish the larvae of each species.

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