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Warm, Dry Weather Pushes Spring Wheat Towards Maturity

Warm, dry conditions over the last week continued to push the spring wheat crop towards maturity and harvest has officially begun. Two percent of the U.S. spring wheat crop is harvested, just below the five-year average of 5 percent. Harvest in South Dakota is 2 percent complete and should begin in the other states in the next week to 10 days. In Minnesota, 92 percent of the spring wheat is turning color, followed by 85 percent in South Dakota, 83 percent in Montana and 66 percent in North Dakota. Producers report that the crop is 2-3 weeks ahead of last year’s pace in terms of development and yield potential is promising. The Wheat Quality Council Spring Wheat Tour is underway this week and will provide yield estimates at the end of the week.
Crop conditions remain mostly favorable with 71 percent of the U.S. crop rated in good to excellent condition. Ratings are notably high in North Dakota and Minnesota where 84 and 79 percent of the crop is rated in good to excellent condition.
The durum crop in North Dakota is rated 82 percent good to excellent, slightly lower than last week’s ratings. Ninety-two percent of the crop has headed out, well ahead of 47 percent on year ago, and just over half of the crop is turning color. 
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