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WASDE: U.S. Wheat Ending Stocks Raised 30 million Bushels On Lower Feed

WHEAT: U.S. wheat ending stocks for 2016/17 are raised 30 million bushels on lower feed and residual use which more than offsets a slight import reduction. At 1,159 million bushels, ending stocks are projected to reach a near 30-year high. Feed and residual use is lowered 35 million bushels to 190 million which reflects lower-thanexpected disappearance for the December-February and September-November quarters, as indicated by March 1 and revised December 1 stocks from the March 31 Grain Stocks report. The import change is based on the pace to date with reductions for soft red winter and durum.

Global 2016/17 wheat supplies are raised 1.7 million tons due to higher projected beginning stocks and a 0.3-million-ton increase in production. The change to beginning stocks stems from a 1.4-million-ton reduction in 2015/16 domestic consumption, primarily in the EU. World exports are lowered 0.3 million tons led by 0.5-million-ton decreases each for Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Partly offsetting are higher projected exports for the EU and Ukraine. Total global consumption for 2016/17 is lowered 0.6 million tons to 740.8 million with a 1.0-millionton decrease in the United States, more than offsetting a small net increase for foreign countries. With supplies rising and use declining, global ending stocks are raised 2.3 million tons to 252.3 million.


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