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WASDE: Wheat Exports are Projected 25 Million Bushels Higher

WHEAT: U.S. wheat supplies for 2013/14 are unchanged this month, but lower expected use raises projected ending stocks 33 million bushels. Feed and residual use is lowered 60 million bushels reflecting disappearance for June-November as indicated by the December 1 stocks released in the Grain Stocks report. Feed and residual use is lowered for Hard Red Winter (HRW) and Hard Red Spring, and Soft Red Winter wheat. Seed use is raised 1 million bushels based on the winter wheat planted area reported today in the Winter Wheat Seedings report.

Wheat exports are projected 25 million bushels higher, with an increase for HRW, on the strong pace of sales and shipments and lower expected competition from Argentina, particularly in Brazil’s milling wheat market. The 2013/14 season-average farm price is projected 10 cents lower at the midpoint with the range narrowed to $6.60 to $7.00 per bushel.Global 2013/14 wheat supplies are raised 1.5 million tons to 888.8 million with production increases for China and the FSU-12 more than offsetting reductions for Argentina and the European Union. Production is raised 1.0 million tons for China reflecting the latest estimate by the China National Grain and Oil Information Center and indications from the National Bureau of Statistics for total 2013/14 grain production. Production is raised 0.6 million tons for Russia and 0.3 million tons for Tajikistan, both based on the latest official indications. Production is reduced 0.5 million tons for Argentina with harvested area expected lower. Production for the European Union is lowered 0.2 million tons with small downward revisions for the United Kingdom, Finland, and Denmark.

Global wheat trade for 2013/14 is raised with higher imports projected for Egypt, Japan, and Syria more than offsetting reductions for the Philip pines and Tajikistan. Exports are raised for the European Union and Russia. Stronger North Africa and Middle East demand drives increases for the European Union and Russia, whereas reductions in Argentina supplies and exports indicate a shift to U.S. supplies for Brazil. Foreign wheat feeding is lower mostly reflecting a 1.0-million-ton reduction for the European Union where increased exports reduce supplies available to the domestic market. Larger barley supplies in the European Union this month support a shift to barley feeding. Global wheat ending stocks are projected 2.6 million tons higher mostly on increases for China and the United States.

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Source: USDA

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