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Wax-coated Sand keeps Soil Wet Longer, Improves Crop Yields in Arid Regions

Wax-coated Sand keeps Soil Wet Longer, Improves Crop Yields in Arid Regions

Dry, hot regions are difficult places to grow plants because the soil dries out quickly. As a result, farmers in arid and semi-arid regions irrigate their fields with buried networks of irrigation tubing and cover the ground with plastic sheets. But plastic sheets are expensive and create waste. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Agricultural Science & Technology have developed a simple, biodegradable ground cover — wax-coated sand — which keeps soil wet and increases crop yields.

To irrigate crops, farmers usually get water from nearby waterways or underground aquifers. These supplies can be rapidly depleted when growing plants in arid regions, where the soil is comprised mostly of sand and can’t hold onto water well. One way to improve irrigated water’s efficiency is to make sure it stays in the soil long enough so that plants’ roots can take it up. Previous studies have shown that ground cover barriers, such as plastic sheets and engineered nanomaterials, can slow evaporation and enhance plant growth and crop yields. However, both could leach unwanted compounds into the soil with unknown long-term impacts. Some plants and animals naturally produce waxy substances that trap and pool water from fog or condensation so that they can access these moisture sources. Taking inspiration from nature, Himanshu Mishra and colleagues wanted to see if they could coat sand with wax, creating an environmentally benign ground cover to control soil evaporation.  

The researchers chose purified paraffin wax, a biodegradable substance available in large quantities, for their experiments. They dissolved the wax in hexane and poured silica sand into the mixture. As the solvent evaporated, a 20-nm-thick coating of wax was left behind on the grains. When the team applied the wax-coated sand in a thin layer on an open field in Saudi Arabia, it decreased the loss of soil moisture up to 50-80%. Field trials revealed that tomato, barley and wheat plants mulched with the new material produced substantially more fruit and grain than those grown in uncovered soil. In addition, the microbial community around the plants’ roots and in the soil wasn’t negatively impacted by the waxy mulch, which could have acted as a food source for some of the microbes. This simple nature-inspired technology could make water use more efficient in arid regions, the researchers say. 

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Agricultural and Economic Briefing: USDA Reports, Global Tensions, and Market Reactions

Welcome back to our channel for a detailed update on key developments affecting the agricultural sector and broader economic landscape. Here's what's on the agenda today:

USDA Crop Production and WASDE Reports The USDA is set to release its monthly Crop Production and WASDE reports today at 11:00am CST. These reports will reflect the updated new crop US corn and soybean balance sheets, incorporating data from the June Planted Acreage report which showed a significant increase in corn acreage. While no major adjustments to US corn and soybean yield projections are expected, the focus will be on potential changes to global supply and demand. The reports are anticipated to bear a mostly bearish tone, especially concerning corn prices.

Geopolitical Developments in Ukraine Ukraine's recent detention of a foreign cargo ship on the Danube River, suspected of carrying stolen Ukrainian grain from Russian-occupied Crimea, has escalated tensions. This incident has stirred concerns about potential Russian retaliatory actions during Ukraine's crucial grain export season. Wheat futures saw a sharp rise following the news, highlighting the sensitive interplay between geopolitical events and commodity markets.

US Drought Conditions and Agricultural Impact Recent USDA drought monitor data indicates mixed conditions across the US Corn Belt and High Plains, with many areas receiving beneficial rainfall and experiencing cooler-than-average temperatures. However, conditions have worsened in parts of western Illinois and northeast Missouri. These evolving weather patterns are critical for crop development stages and will continue to influence market dynamics.

US Crop Export Sales Corn export sales showed an increase last week, with Colombia being the largest buyer. However, soybean sales were relatively weak, with the Netherlands as the primary buyer. The varied performance in crop export sales reflects shifting global demand and market conditions, which traders closely monitor for strategic insights.

Economic Indicators and Market Reactions In a surprising economic update, consumer prices declined for the first time in four years last month, with the CPI falling 0.1% in June. This decline, coupled with the slowest annual inflation increase since March 2021, has significantly influenced market expectations, with the probability of the Federal Reserve beginning rate cuts in September now standing at 89%.

Stay Updated: For ongoing insights into these issues affecting agriculture, trade, and economic policies, make sure to subscribe to our channel. We bring you the latest information to help you understand the complexities of agricultural economics and global geopolitical shifts.

Join the Conversation: How do you think the upcoming USDA reports will impact market prices? What are your views on the ongoing geopolitical tensions and their potential effects on agricultural exports? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Your input is vital as we navigate these complex global scenarios.