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Weather conditions continue to affect agriculture industry in Saskatchewan

From rain to snow to nothing at all, Saskatchewan weather is leaving many farmers wondering if they will be able to seed at all this season.

It truly is a tale of two worlds. East Saskatchewan has too much moisture in its soil while the west is hoping to get even one rainy day. It’s a challenge farmer Clinton Monchuk understands firsthand having farmland near the Lanigan area.

“We’ve probably had a little over three inches of rain since the beginning of May,” Monchuk said. “So it is a little bit wetter and we’re just having a little bit more of a tough time getting seeding done.”

It’s a reality faced by farmers across the province. On average, more than half of the seeding process is complete by this time. But, this year it’s a different story.

Ian Boxall,  president of the Agriculture Producers Association of Saskatchewan. has farmland near Tisdale.

“It’s raining here today and it snowed this morning,” Boxall said. “We’re way far behind. Normally we would start seeding on May 1 and now I haven’t started and it’s the 19th of May so we are behind.

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