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Weather Outlook

Weather Outlook
A pattern change appears underway. We are heading into a summer type pattern that continues to evolve as we speak. This will mean a transition to warmer weather with rainfall becoming much more scattered and sporadic. Some areas will still receive locally heavy rainfall but other places will get missed.
Cooler than normal weather can be expected this week through Saturday June 10 with temperatures averaging 4 to 5 degrees below normal. Rainfall will be below normal with amounts generally range from little or nothing up to 0.25 to 0.50 inches. Normal is near 1 inch.
There will be a switch to warmer than normal weather next week starting Sunday June 11. Normal highs are around 80 and normal lows are near 60. Temperatures next week will average around 5-8 degrees above normal. Rainfall will average 0.25 inches south to near 1 inch north.
Temperatures will likely persist at or above normal as we close out June as well. Rainfall may begin to increase again later in the month as we get into the typical ring of fire around a heat dome to the south and west of Ohio and storms ride over the top of the heat dome. Locally heavy rain will be favored in northern Ohio with less confidence on rainfall in southern Ohio as it could go either way dry or wet later in the month.
The outlook for July remains above normal temperatures with a wide range in rainfall heavily locally driven.
In summary, we are transitioning into the summer-time pattern where temperatures will favor warmer after this week and rainfall will become more sporadic and hit and miss with places either getting too much or too little rainfall the next several weeks.
You can see the latest 2 week rainfall pattern across the region from the NOAA/NWS/OHRFC 16-day average rainfall prediction. The greatest rainfall is favored south and west of Ohio the next 2+ weeks.

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