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Webinar Series on Tree Crops Begins in September

This fall, University of Missouri Extension offers a six-session webinar series, “Growing Tree Fruit, Nut Crops and Syrup Trees.”

The weekly series begins Tuesday, Sept. 10, and runs 6:30-8 p.m.

Sessions will cover the production of apples, pears, nuts, specialty fruits (including pawpaw and persimmon) and maple syrup, says Justin Keay, University of Missouri Extension field specialist in horticulture. The final session includes a discussion by a farmer panel.

“Perennial tree crops can provide many years of harvests, but it’s important to understand what it takes to successfully establish these crops to help ensure long-term success,” Keay says. “Annual maintenance such as pruning, fertilization, pest scouting and disease management will help ensure growers maximize their annual harvests.”

Sessions will be recorded for those who miss any of the live classes. Registration also includes access to previously recorded sessions on site selection and planting, fertility management, weed management, insect and disease management, marketing and economics of fruit production.

Limited scholarships are available to beginning farmers in St. Louis as well as the counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin, Warren, Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois and Washington. Scholarships are awarded at checkout after registration.

Register by Sept. 9 at For questions, call the MU Extension Center in Pike County at 573-324-5464.

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