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Weed control will be key this spring

Weeds are starting to become a concern for farmers.

The province's weed specialist Kim Brown-Livingston says it will be important to get ahead of the weeds this spring.

"There's a lot of green stuff coming up now and we've had some really dry springs lately. The last three years for some people. The last couple for sure for most of the province. We have not seen that flush of growth early on in the spring and I think we're really noticing it now," she said. "We're seeing a lot of the annuals starting to come up. We're seeing the buckwheat starting already, lots of kochia, that type of thing. Also, our perennials and our winter annuals have had a really good drink of water so they are bigger than we've seen them in a few years and those are going to cause some problems later on. Really important to get our weeds under control this time of year. It always is and it's really tough right now because everybody's trying to get seeding done but if they have seeders going, have someone running the sprayer as well. We've got to get ahead of those weeds."

Brown-Livingston reminds farmers to check their crop protection guide as some herbicides are suitable for pre-seed only. She says if producers plan to spray after seeding, it will be important to get that done quickly, as crops will emerge quickly with the good soil moisture and warmer conditions.

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