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Weekend Snow A Welcome Site For The Agriculture Sector

Farmers and ranchers in many areas of the prairies are digging out after the weekend snow storm.
Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist Catherine Lang says it's important to make sure you have easy access to your feed and bale stacks close to where the cattle are.
With all the snow we received if cattle were out on pasture or swath grazing they may not be able to get down to the ground and eat what was planned for them.
She says having easy access to feed in a time like this is important adding that you also want to make sure there's easy access to a good, clean water supply and shelter.
Lang notes that the moisture will definitely help to replenish dugouts and moisture conditions.
According to the last crop report hay and pasture land topsoil moisture in Saskatchewan was rated as 19 per cent adequate, 37 per cent short and 44 per cent very short.
Crops Extension Specialist Sara Tetland says the additional moisture is a welcome site for farmers that had been dealing with dry conditions.
"Most definitely the South Central and South West parts of the province had those concerns, and they were probably overall the driest. Even farmers in parts of the Central and even parts of the Northern regions were concerned about those moisture conditions as well."
She says Saskatchewan's final crop report of the year showed topsoil moisture on cropland as 25 per cent adequate, 42 per cent short and 33 per cent very short.
"It was quite dry throughout most of the summer. A large part of the province received below average precipitation and some areas receiving less than half of what they normally would see in a year. So getting some of that snow, and some of that moisture will really help the farmland for next year."
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IPIC Webinar Series: Data-Driven Innovations for Precision Swine Health and Productivity: PROSPER

Video: IPIC Webinar Series: Data-Driven Innovations for Precision Swine Health and Productivity: PROSPER

Continuing the Iowa Pork Industry Center Webinar Series, today's webinar features Drs. Daniel Linhares and Edison Magalhaes who discuss data-driven innovations for precision swine health and productivity.