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Weekly Livestock Market Summary

First off today, as we do every Monday, we get the latest on the livestock markets. We’re joined on the line by Herb Lock of Farm$ense Marketing in Edmonton.
Interview with Herb Lock (4:22 minutes) (1.99 Mb)
An extended version of this week’s market analysis with Herb Lock is also available by clicking on the link below.
Extended interview with Herb Lock (6:54 minutes) (3.16 Mb)
Source : Agriculture and Forestry

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Sheep Breeding: Introducing Rams To Ewes

Video: Sheep Breeding: Introducing Rams To Ewes

Love is in the air on our sheep farm! It's sheep breeding season at Ewetopia Farms, and today we put our newly shorn Dorset rams in with their ewes. We watch how both the Suffolk and Dorset rams and ewes react when they meet. We are very pleased with the new rams we have added to our group of breeding rams and are looking forward to seeing the lambs these ratings will produce five months from now.