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Weekly USMEF Audio Report: USMEF-Mexico Director Says Customers are More Optimistic about Future of NAFTA

The pace of NAFTA negotiations has recently accelerated, as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and his counterparts from Canada and Mexico just concluded four days of ministerial-level meetings. While it is still unclear when negotiations will conclude, the three trade ministers will reportedly reconvene May 7, with technical-level talks continuing in the meantime.
Oscar Ferrara, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) regional director for Mexico, Central America and the Dominican Republic, explains that at the beginning of the NAFTA talks, red meat customers in Mexico were concerned about the future of NAFTA and whether they would continue to have duty-free access to U.S. pork, beef and lamb. But he says the these customers' business relationships with U.S. exporters remain strong, and they are now feeling more optimistic about the future of U.S.-Mexico trade relations.  
While the United States is by far the largest supplier of red meat to Mexico, Ferrara says major competitors are definitely interested in serving the market. This includes the European Union, which recently reached an agreement in principle with Mexico on an updated version of the EU-Mexico trade agreement that originally entered into force in 2000.  




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Video: Vaccinating Pregnant Sheep & Ensuring Lamb Parentage | Daily Sheep Farming Life

Welcome to another day at Ewetopia Farms, where we focus on raising high-quality registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep. In today’s vlog, we vaccinate four groups of pregnant ewes, administer their final de-licing treatments, and meticulously record each sheep's group for accurate lamb parentage tracking. Watch as we share our best practices for sheep care and flock management, ensuring the health and well-being of our flock. Whether you’re a fellow farmer, an animal lover, or simply curious about sheep farming, you’ll find insights and inspiration here at Ewetopia Farms. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to join us daily on our journey!