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West Central Cattlemen’s Day Series Offered At Ten Locations

By Erin Laborie and Randy Saner, Nebraska Extension Educators
Last year was not as good of a year as 2014! Cattle prices in 2015 were lower in some cases by $500 per calf. Mother Nature, as usual, was unpredictable but generally wetter than previous years. Input prices also continued to creep upward- forage was no exception.
As a cattle producer, you may have questions about what to do next in 2016. Nebraska Extension and Colorado State University Extension will be hosting a series of meetings in ten locations across western Nebraska and eastern Colorado focusing on the changing beef industry. 
Topics for the program may include managing replacement heifers, increasing reproductive efficiency of the beef herd, fly control for pastured cattle, backgrounding opportunities, transporting cattle according to BQA standards, grazing system management and using annual forages. 
Dates and locations of the programs are as follows:
  1. January 14 – Ogallala, Quality Inn 5:00 to 9:00 pm, contact 308-284-6051 
  2. January 21 – North Platte, Lincoln County Fairgrounds 5:00 to 9:00 pm, contact 308-532-2683
  3. January 25 – Curtis, NCTA Education Center, 5:00 to 9:00 pm, contact 1-888-367-4424 or 308-367-4424
  4. January 27 – Oxford, Mulligan’s 5:00 to 9:00 pm, contact 308-268-3105
  5. February 3 – Minden, Kearney County Fairgrounds 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, contact 308-832-0645
  6. February 4 – Imperial NE, Cross Roads Wesleyan Church 5:00 to 9:00 pm MST, contact 308-882-4731
  7. February 9 – Culbertson NE, 5:00 to 9:00 pm, contact 308-345-3390
  8. February 10 – Yuma CO, Yuma County Fairgrounds 10:00 am to 2:00 pm MST, contact 970-332-4151
  9. February 11 – Brush CO, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm MST, contact 970-345-2287
  10. February 24 – Loup City, NE 10:00 to 2:00 pm, contact 308-745-1518
Please register at the local Extension office one week prior to the event for a meal count. Cost to attend is $15 per person if pre-registered or $20 per person at the door.

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Video: First Moments: Caring for Newborn Lambs at Ewetopia Farms

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